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Is Cancer Being Over Diagnosed?

Over Diagnosed
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30 days ago, the medical community would have answered this question with a resounding, “no.”  But then came the now famous study (1 ) that analyzed over 17,000 cancer tissues for the presence of fungus in 35 different types of cancer. Today, the answer to the question of cancer being over diagnosed is, “we just don’t know.” My guess is that not one of the dozens of researchers working on this study expected to find either fungus or fungal DNA in any of the 35 types of cancer, let alone all of them. But they did find it in all of them.  What might account for such a finding? After carefully ruling out moldy samples and false positive results, there can be but one logical response. We are calling it “cancer,” when in fact, it may be “fungus.”  If this is accurate, cancer is being grossly over diagnosed.

As the research results were released to the public, dozens of my friends, both physicians and lay alike, forwarded me one of the “press released” summaries of this groundbreaking study. Thank you!

Fifty-thousand of we Americans die of cancer monthly, making it the 2nd leading cause of death. Unfortunately, it will take the medical community decades to comprehend the magnitude of this study. Therefore, the onus is on you to make a copy of this article and present it to your doctor if you’d like to try and antifungal approach to your “cancer.” It’s actually quite a logical approach given that the FDA has approved “repurposing” the toenail antifungal drug, Sporanox, for cancer treatment. Common disease-causing fungi make poisons called “mycotoxins” that cause cancer.  Both antibiotics and alcohol are mycotoxins so if you have been exposed to large amounts of either, even if in the distant past, let your doctor know this also as it may help him/her in the decision to prescribe antifungal drugs and offer information on an antifungal diet (fungi thrive on carbohydrates).

At this point it is safe to say that fungal mycotoxins are either causing or mimicking cancer.  Either way, now you know and can further study this. I use the search engine at


1. Cell : Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions: Cell

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