Take a moment and read the linked article below. Afterwards, read the excerpt I have provided below the link from canceractive.com I’ve never heard of pharmaceutical grade resveratrol, but I’m not certain that is even relevant to our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol is known to protect certain fruits from fungal infections, making one of its properties that of an antifungal supplement. I’d love your comments, because I don’t believe that pharmaceutical grade resveratrol will cure Alzheimer’s disease-nor was that my intention in bringing you this information. When you merge these two statements together, it does provide an interesting clue as to the cause of both influenza, which we are all taught is due to a “virus,” and Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t it? FIRST READ THIS PAPER, (Click Here)THEN READ THISNot surprisingly, since resveratrols prime function in nature is to protect the sugary flesh of the fruit against molds, fungi and yeasts, a study in Arch Pharm Res. 2005 May;28(5):557 found potent anti-fungal activity in the human body with resveratrol. This included destruction of candida albicans. WHAT SAY YOU?
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