A recent medical article (1) confirms suspicions that no one seems to be governing the safety of our food supply. Why is that? The article does not address my suspicions, so let me add my two cents.
“Placing the staff who assess food safety risks and the staff who inspect food companies under the same leader was a component in five reform options the task force identified.”
That’s the problem? Really?
You and I know when we eat poorly, we get sick. When we get sick, we go to the doctor. When we go to the doctor, we get drugs. And therein, I believe, lies the problem.
Separate governance of our food and our drugs. A tremendous conflict of interest lies in allowing the FDA, a governmental agency that takes millions of dollars annually from the pharmaceutical industry, to also govern the safety of our food. Our food will become safer when we eliminate this conflict. Drug scientists assure safety of drugs and food scientists assure the safety of our foods…AND THE TWO BECOME SEPERATE. The FDA become two separate inspection agencies; The DA and the FA. If we follow the honest guidelines of the FA, we probably won’t need the DA for many, many years, if at all. Until this is done, the FDA can quickly glance over the safety or our foods by allowing dangerous, genetically modified and even carcinogenic ingredients in our foods, knowing full well that the pharmaceutical industry will pay them very well to add new drugs to treat these food-induced symptoms and diseases. It’s called “integrity,” and it’s not rocket science!
1. MedPage Today Website: https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/102277
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