How do I know if its a Fungus?
Rarely a day goes by that I don’t hear this question. Inquiring minds want to know!
With 130+ autoimmune disorders, and the number is growing, how does one really know if fungus is “the cause?”
I believe it is every doctors duty to rule out fungus as a contributing factor or cause to every infection or health disorder. This simply isn’t done because medical schools don’t teach students how to do it. Worse, just a dozen years ago, the prestigious American Academy of Microbiology acknowledged that fungal infections did cause serious health problems but our doctors were unaware, when they stated;
“Fungi are the cause of many outbreaks of disease but are mostly ignored.
Fungi can cause a number of life-threatening diseases…
Many people, scientists among them, are largely unaware.”
More recently, our Center For Disease Control (CDC) has taken the reins and is teaching doctors to “think fungus.” But how do “we, the people” participate in figuring out whether or not fungus is causing us misery?
1. Stay in touch and work with your doctor or find one who is up to date on fungal and yeast disorders.
2. Tell him/her that you’re interested in finding out if fungal mycotoxins (poisons made by fungus) are contributing to your symptoms/disease.
3. Ask if you can get a 30-day supply of an antifungal drug like Diflucan or Sporanox and a 30-day supply of the gut antifungal, Nystatin.
4. Make a copy of my website write up on antifungal medications and take it to your doctor, as this may assist him/her in prescribing the antifungal drugs.
5. If the doctor is uncomfortable prescribing the antifungal drugs, ask if you can take nutritional supplements that may assist in controlling fungal overgrowth; caprylic acid, resveratrol, oregano, Vitamin D3, etc…
6. The most important part of any antifungal program lies in knowing that fungi are living human parasites and as such, they must eat once inside your body. They thrive on carbohydrates, so you should not. Try to starve them with my Kaufmann One Diet. This can be done while taking the medications/supplements
7. Return to the doctor in 30 days and report your findings. Feeling better? More of the same should have you improving month after month.