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Fungi and Depression

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*Depression is a serious issue. You should never use information on this site or anywhere on the Internet in lieu of a professional medical professional’s help. If you or someone you love is experiencing clinical depression, seek help immediately.

We all get the blues from time to time––feeling depressed is a normal part of living life and a natural reaction to some of life’s more unfortunate circumstances. However, some people experience depression in a sustained, non-normal way; its effects can reach into every corner of the lives of those afflicted with it. In fact, an estimated 19 million Americans are thought to deal with major depressive disorders (clinical depression).

While chemical and physical changes have been observed within the brains of depressed patients––placing depression squarely within the clinical, not just psychological, realm––generally, it is assumed that environmental factors can trigger a genetic predisposition and cause depressive disorders. There are different kinds of clinical depression––seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, major depression and depression mixed with anxiety. While these kinds of depression are different, there is a unifying theme among them: Doctors are unsure what the exact cause is.

In cases of “etiology unknown”, we think one should at least consider whether there is a fungal, or mycotoxin, link. But is there any evidence that fungi can play a role in depression?

The Fungus Link Vol 1 By Doug KaufmannLet’s consider a few things. We know that fungi can infect any part of the body, including the brain. We also know that fungi and their mycotoxins can influence mood. Wait, where’s the proof of that?

The mycotoxin produced by brewer’s yeast––alcohol––is regularly consumed by millions of people every day. Alcohol has a pronounced effect on mood in the short term, which many people are familiar with: lowered inhibitions, relaxation, elation. Subsequently, the following effects are known by most as well: irritability, headache, nausea, grogginess, etc. Furthermore, alcohol is indeed a toxin; too much of it can kill you! And prolonged use of alcohol can cause a host of health problems.

So we know for a fact mycotoxins can and do cause mood changes. Could they––unbeknownst to most mainstream medical professionals––perhaps cause more insidious mental problems than just hangovers?

One way to find out is a simple test. Eliminate all sugar, grains, corn, potaotes, peanuts, starch and alcohol from your diet. Focus on lean meats, vegetables, the less-sweet varieties off fruits, nuts and seeds. Add some natural anti-fungals, such olive leaf or oil of oregano. Supplement with a good multivitamin, probiotics and fish oil. If after 30-60 days, you find your mood improves, you may have found what the root cause was to your depression all along.

*Never stop taking prescribed medicines for depression without a doctor’s supervision.

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