Flavonoids Useful For Controlling Candida Growth In The Gut.

The Science of Fungus

A number of nutrients are used for controlling the growth of Candida in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.  A recent review reported that a group of phytonutrients called flavonoids are very useful for controlling the growth of Candida in the lab and the digestive tract 1. Some of these compounds with useful anti-Candida properties include the following:

1. Quercetin– from many plants and beeswax- Inhibits growth and development of Candida.

2. Rutin– found in many plants including apples, tea, onions and citrus fruits- inhibit growth and development of Candida.

3. Genestein– found in soy and other legumes- inhibits Candida colony formation.

4. Baicalein – found in Scutellaria or skullcap- inhibits Candida cell pumps.

5. Gallic acid– found tea, oak bark and other plants- inhibits growth and germ cell formation in Candida.

6. Catechins– from tea and other plants-  cause Candida cell wall damage.

7. Cavacrol– from thyme and oregano – causes Candia cell death and inhibits Candida filamentation.

Many other flavonoids inhibit growth and development of Candida.

More research is needed in animals and humans to determine anti-Candida effects of flavonoids.
Flavenoids have very low toxicity to humans. Mixtures of flavonoids may be more effective than single compounds.

Other foods and supplements are useful for control overgrowth of fungi in the digestive tract. Earlier research has indicated that caprylic acid (a fatty acid found in coconuts) 2 and garlic also have strong anti- Candida growth properties 3

References / Sources

1. Seleem D, Pardi V, Murata RM. Review of flavonoids: A diverse group of natural compounds with anti-Candida albicans activity in vitro. Arch Oral Biol. 2016.
2. Liu S, Ruan W, Li J, et al. Biological control of phytopathogenic fungi by fatty acids. Mycopathologia. 2008;166(2):93-102.
3. Ankri S, Mirelman D. Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microbes Infect. 1999;1(2):125-129.


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