Does the FDA agree with me about cancer and fungus?

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  The FDA has alerted the public in Manila, Philippines, of testing that has been done on street vendors peanut supply. It seems that fungus has impregnated many of the peanuts and a poison that is made by the fungus, called “aflatoxin B1,” can injure those eating the peanuts. Unscrupulous vendors, knowing that these peanuts are poisonous, are hiding the fact that their peanut products contain the fungal poison (mycotoxins). 

  The FDA is warning the public that these mycotoxins bind to vitamins, minerals and proteins and literally rob the body of nutrition. Referring to aflatoxin B1 as an “anti-nutritional” toxin, the article went on to implicate aflatoxin as causing stunted growth, kwashiokor’s disease (nutritional deficiency)….and, believe it or not……..cancer!

MY TAKE-I had no idea that our American FDA regulated Philippine products, but I’m glad they did in this case. Eating mycotoxins do, indeed, cause serious health problems, far beyond what is reported here. I’ve got to wonder why this information is so freely dispensed in The Philippines, yet so “invisible” to us Americans!

For example, the article states “mutations of cell DNA due to prolonged exposure to aflatoxin would increase the risk of developing cancer cells!” If the American FDA knows that fungus can cause cancer, why isn’t that information widely distributed to Oncologists and researchers in America?
Combine the one sentence that I quoted above, with The Journal of the American Medical Association’s (JAMA) 2002 article by Dr. Ruth Etzel, and we have a huge piece of the puzzle of why cancer is so widespread in America! Are we eating cancer for breakfast? Dr Etzel, you may recall, stated that fungi that make aflatoxin, impregnate our corn and grains supply in America.
Have you heard that from the FDA? Me either, but the good news is, now you have! Be careful because food can be your best friend or your worst enemy.


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