Why Was This Important Article Overlooked in October’s Media? Every other year, the American Cancer Society (ACS) publishes breast cancer data. On October 1st, the following data was published. |
– More African American women are getting breast cancer now than two years ago. – Breast cancer rates have also risen in non-Hispanic white women since 2011. – In the 1970’s, women had a one-in eleven chance of developing breast cancer. Today, they have a one in four chance of developing it. First, let me say that I have no axe to grind with all of the wonderful men and women who participate in breast cancer awareness activities. Most will tell you, however, that they must raise quite a bucket of cash in order to even participate. This money, they are told, is for “the cure” of breast cancer. The fundraising companies themselves, pharmaceutical companies and researchers have all financially benefited from the money raised from breast cancer awareness events.
Every October, I stand by idly and sadly watch breast cancer marketing at its best. I, too, hope that the breast cancer cure is eminent, but I don’t trust that fundraisers, marketers or pharmaceutical companies will ever cure breast cancer. Have they thus far? To cure any disease, you must first know its cause… it is interesting to note that billions of dollars are being invested into breast cancer research and breast cancer drugs, while, to the best of my knowledge, not a dime is funding the cause. After all, when the cause is finally known, the need for fundraising disappears. {flike} |