Yet another study that cautions us on ANY use of alcohol. Other studies have found that there is no safe consumption level of alcohol.
The article opens with these words; “Although an occasional drink may be good for the heart.” So, alcohol must most certainly be heart healthy! In recent years many researchers are questioning “the good” that alcohol does. When I came home from Vietnam in 1970, I drank beer and its affect calmed my nerves. That seemed good.
Fund raising organizations like The American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society, both of whom recommend that if you choose to drink alcohol, you should limit it to 2 drinks daily for men and 1 drink daily for women. I find these recommendations bad-very bad.
Why? Ethanol (alcohol) is neurotoxic and is linked to many human cancers. By simply doing the math, websites that offer very questionable alcohol consumption information are conceding that men can drink 68 gallons of beer annually and women can drink 58 bottles of wine annually without negative health implications. Pretending that alcohol is safe and good for the heart, in my opinion, is just plain ugly.
We live in America where we enjoy certain inalienable rights. The choice is yours!
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