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A Simple Ketogenic Kaufmann Diet Shopping List

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Doing a Ketogenic, Kaufmann 1 Diet? Here’s a shopping list.

Maybe you have been on The Kaufmann 1 Diet for some time now, and you are looking to change things up a bit. Perhaps your weight loss has plateaued for a while, and you are really looking to accelerate the burning of fat. The ketogenic diet done Kaufmann-style may be a good way to achieve this.

Proponents of the ketogenic diet claim that going keto is an excellent way to train your body to burn fat for energy. By focusing on getting most of your calories from healthy sources of fat, the body is forced to digest fat for energy. There is a good deal of science behind the ketogenic diet’s fat burning mechanisms; to this end, it may be very beneficial. In addition, however, the ketogenic diet might have benefits for energy levels, blood sugar control, mental focus and lowering blood pressure.

Interestingly, too, ketogenic diets have shown some benefit against certain types of cancer, specifically brain cancer. It is thought that by reducing the number of carbohydrates in the diet––and subsequently, sugar––ketogenic diets assist in starving cancer of glucose, their preferred fuel source. Some studies have shown a good deal of promise in this regard. 

Cancer, interestingly enough, is not the only thing that craves sugar. Internal, pathogenic fungi and yeasts rely on sugar as a regular source of food. By denying them this, we can rid the body of these pathogenic organisms, and subsequently clear up a large variety of symptoms. To that end, the ketogenic diet is very compatible with the Kaufmann Diet and may even assist to the ends that the Kaufmann Diet was created for. 

The ketogenic diet focuses consuming most of your daily calories from healthy sources of fat, as much as 75%. 20% of calories should come from protein, and only 5% should come from carbohydrates. Whole foods high in fat should be what you should focus on. Here is what a simple, Kaufmann 1-friendly keto shopping list might look like:

Grass-fed beef
Grass-fed butter
Heavy cream
Cream cheese
Full-fat yogurt
Olive oil
Macadamia Nut Oil
Coconut Oil
Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts, etc.
Seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.
Coconut butter
Coconut milk
Varieties of nut butter
Lots of greens, such as kale, spinach, romaine, cilantro, etc.
Brussels sprouts
Bell Peppers
Berries, like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.

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