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Your Doctor Says “No Diflucan!”

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About 18 months ago, the respected medical journal, Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) reported that when Candida albicans yeast infections became resistant to Diflucan (fluconazole), the drug that is normally used to treat them, certain herbs including fenugreek, cinnamon, papaya, oregano and garlic could successfully be used to treat them instead. What a liberating paper for you and me! The concluding sentence in this paper exceeded my expectations because the paper examined herbs as an alternative to Diflucan-but really went so much further;

“The results of the present study shed light on the fact that plant extracts could be used not only as an alternate drug for management of fluconazole resistant candidiasis but also explored further for oral cancer prevention as a therapeutic adjunct.”

Yes, the herbs worked as a treatment for the yeast infection. But they also worked to prevent oral cancers! Herbs often do more than one job and this is proof! Might the authors have indirectly confirmed what I have been outspoken on for 40+ years, that cancer often has a yeast (fungal) basis?

Sometimes our doctors deny prescribing Diflucan either because they believe it isn’t necessary or because they are unaware of how common, yet under diagnosed, fungal infections actually are. Although I don’t like it when they deny antifungal medications, I do understand it, since fungus (Mycology) isn’t part of their educational process.

If you feel that you have a fungal disorder, in lieu of Diflucan, talk to your doctor about using inexpensive herbs for the condition. You now know that some herbs are often just as potent and certainly safer than drugs that filter through the liver. Do know, however, that a changed diet is imperative!


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