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2016 International Summit on Mycotoxin Treatments

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So many intelligent lay people would love to attend a medical meeting and ask the speakers a question or two. Especially when every speaker is talking about fungus and mycotoxins! I am not a physician, but the other speakers are. For the first time that I am aware of, you can now join us and meet the doctors and enjoy a tremendous Kaufmann 1 meal while I deliver my talk!
Join me and the other speakers in Plano, Texas for the Saturday, June 4th event called the “2016 International Summit on Mycotoxin Treatments.”


Do you believe, as I do, that fungal mycotoxins are responsible for many medical conditions that are currently labeled as “unknown cause?”


Well, I’m not alone. A medical doctor friend of mine, who is also a pathologist, has done what my hectic schedule disallowed for decades, but I’ve always wanted to do. Dennis, Hooper, MD, and RealTime Laboratories, Inc., of Carrollton, Texas, have organized the 2016 International Summit on Mycotoxin Treatments. They are hosting it from The Plano Texas Marriott At Legacy Town Center on Saturday, June 4th.

Several physicians you have seen on my show (and many you haven’t) are attending this important meeting: John Trowbridge, MD, Author of THE YEAST SYNDROME is just one of those.

Others who are speaking are: Gordon Crozier, DO, Author of MOLD, THE UNKNOWN DIAGNOSIS on the subject at 4 PM. I saw him on the 700 Club a few weeks ago and was impressed.

William Rea, MD will be speaking at 2:35 PM on molds inside of homes and buildings. Additionally, you will be able to “meet and greet” other doctors who are speakers on the subject of fungal mycotoxins and mold illnesses.

Richie Shoemaker, MD, Bill Rea, MD, Adrienne Sprouse, MD, Joseph Brewer, MD, Alfred Johnson, DO, Richard Jaeckle, MD, Frederick Guilford, MD, and Ann Shippy, MD will all be speakers.

The moderators, Shalini Muralidhar, PhD, and the event host, Dennis Hooper, MD will all be there as well as many nutrition company represented booths for you to meet and perhaps grab some samples from.

The meal that is planned is truly unique in that whether you are vegetarian, gluten free, paleo or antifungal, it will fit you perfectly! It is buffet style, so come hungry!

I have been invited to speak for 1 hour during the Saturday evening dinner, so you’ll be able to relax, eat, and listen to my talk. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

Summit Highlights June 4, 2016

Fee of $150 includes meet and greets with nutrition companies, experts and Saturday evening dinner.

4-5 PM, meet the nutrition companies and environmental companies that are sponsoring the meeting
5-6 PM meet and greet and ask the doctors your questions
6-9 PM Cocktail hour, dinner and speech.

You may contact Mark Shon, VP of Marketing at RealTime Laboratories, Inc. at He will arrange method of payment and registration information for you.




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