The New England Journal of Medicine recently made this argument, and I’d like you to communicate freely among yourselves as to whether the argument is valid, or might biting a bullet have been a more progressive path? “Unhappy with today’s health care? Think of what it was like to be sick 200 years ago, around 1812. No stethoscopes, antibiotics, X-rays or vaccines. Bloodletting was a common treatment. If you had a heart attack or a stroke, doctors put you in bed and hoped for the best. If you needed surgery, you got a few shots of whiskey and a bullet to bite.”
Although I believe that America is superior in injury related medicine, I have some thoughts on this opening:
1. Without stethoscopes, there would not be the hundreds of cardiac diagnoses seen in doctors’ offices. With stethoscopes, each year 1,200,000 people have heart attacks and many of them die….despite their diagnosis….and statin drugs!
2. Penicillin, pure and simple has saved lives. Keep in mind, however, that Penicillin is also a documented poison and the long term use of it is virtually unknown. Thanks to advances in the herbal and natural health fields we now know that garlic, oregano, olive leaf and a host of other 100% safe alternatives to antibiotics exist.
3. X-Ray, according to and the National Toxicology Programs Twelfth Report on Carcinogens, is “known to be a human carcinogen.” I still can’t believe that every dentist in America X-Rays our heads then fills our teeth with mercury, classified as a possible human carcinogen by our EPA.
4.Vaccines expose our children to many harmful toxins and the argument must be made to request that an unbiased pilot study be done that either rules out the dangers associated with mandated vaccine programs, or that eases all of our minds as to their usefulness. The problem is, I said unbiased. Where in America will we find such a panel of experts?
Bottom Line? This is 2012, not 1812. Hygiene is a recognized field today. Within the past 200 years, we Americans, sans doctors and their wares, would have had to become totally responsible for our own and our families health. Only the strongest survived and proper hygiene, diet and tree bark would have likely ensured a healthy, productive life. ….just my take! What’s yours?