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What You Should Know About Caprylic Acid

Caprylic Acid
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Caprylic Acid Could Be A Good Addition to Your Medicine Cabinet

Caprylic acid is a medium-chain fatty acid found in coconut oil. It is one of the three fatty acids found in coconut oil. There are a variety of these types of supplements available at your local healthy food store, but one that sticks out as being extremely potent is caprylic acid.

Of course, coconut oil is very anti-fungal, itself, and is highly recommended on the Kaufmann Diet for use in cooking or use topically. Caprylic acid supplements, however, are unique from coconut oil, because these supplements are the concentrated form of caprylic acid, specifically. Caprylic acid is perhaps the most potent anti-fungal component of coconut oil.

The Kaufmann Diet is designed to starve pathogenic yeast and fungi inside your body that may be contributing to health problems. To do this, foods that would typically feed a pathogenic fungal infection are eliminated; these include foods like sugar, grains, and other simple carbohydrates. Also, foods that may be contaminated with fungal poisons (known as mycotoxins) are also eliminated. These include foods like corn, wheat, peanuts, soy, alcohol and select other foods. 

This is a good place to start when you want to eliminate yeast and fungi, and by far and away, the diet is the key part of the Kaufmann Anti-fungal program. However, if you want to be as effective as possible, you are encouraged to add a regimen of natural anti-fungal supplements. These, combined with the diet, put you in a good position to eliminate pathogenic yeast and fungi inside the body that may be contributing to health problems. 

Caprylic acid has potent anti-yeast properties. As a derivative of coconut oil, it is considered very safe to take and is unlikely to interfere with any drugs. (You should, however, always consult your physician before adding any supplement into your regimen, regardless of how “natural” or safe it is.) In high doses, it can cause upset stomach, so it is best to start with the recommended dosage. 

Possessing benefits beyond it’s potent anti-fungal properties; caprylic acid is known to be anti-inflammatory, and posses anti-bacterial properties, which make it something of a natural antibiotic. These traits makes caprylic likely beneficial for certain types of digestive disorders. 

Caprylic acid has benefits for the skin, as well, and is used as a natural remedy for conditions like acne an eczema. 

As a medium–chain fatty acid, it might work to lower cholesterol too, giving caprylic acid benefits for heart health. 

Caprylic acid should be used in rotation with other anti-fungals, but this supplement should be considered a first-line defense against pathogenic yeast and fungi. 

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