What Causes Alzheimers Disease

What Causes Alzheimers
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Once again, we have scientists confused at the cause of Alzheimers Disease. I happen to believe that overwhelming evidence exists that implicates a fungal origin to Alzheimers Disease, yet others disagree with me.

To better understand, please review this blog (http://www.knowthecause.com/index.php/doug-s-blog/1920-viruses-or-fungus) I wrote 5 years ago.

Now comes a new study that human herpes virus (HHV) is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.  I do not believe this to be the case.

There exists no more compelling evidence as to the fungal cause of Alzheimers disease than a study done a few years ago in Spain, in which 5 doctors examined 21 cadavers, looking for a cause to their deaths.  Here is a direct excerpt from an article published in Medical Express on October 15, 2015.

“The five-member team had found cells and other material from “several fungal species” in the brain tissue and blood vessels of all 11 deceased Alzheimer’s patients analyzed, but not in ten Alzheimer’s-free controls.”

In other words, 11 of these patients died of Alzheimers disease and 100% of them had fungus in their brains and in other areas, while 10 patients who did not die of Alzheimers disease had a trace of fungus in their brains or tissues. To me, this study represents a “slam-dunk,” but not to researchers who continue to look for a cause of Alzheimers disease.

Of importance to note here is the fact that Pathologists who do autopsies test cadavers for any and all germs that might have contributed to their deaths.  Not one of the 5 doctors examining these 21 cadavers mentioned “unusually high levels of Herpes Virus” (HHV) in the brains of any of these 11 cadavers who died of Alzheimer’s disease.

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