We Have Choices

Know the Cause Legacy Article
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I was walking through the grocery store this morning on a mission for one item in the very back corner of the store. I was weaving between the aisles, glancing at all the packaged foods – frozen dinners, ice cream, chips, crackers, etc. In my head, I imagined it like a game, a stoplight with red, yellow and green. All the worst options (packaged, processed foods) were lighting up bright red.

The better options were yellow, and the life giving foods were green. Except, as I glanced though the aisles, there were no green foods, no healthy options! Now granted, I was not over in the produce section. That was in a small area on the other side of the store, but the other three quarters of the store was stocked mostly with red foods with a few yellow ones sprinkled in. I thought, wow, none of these foods are healthy, yet this is what the majority of Americans are eating. No wonder so many are sick!

It made me a little sad that these are the options that are in our face as we grocery shop. A person really does need to make a choice to seek out good options. Then I thought, why does the majority of the grocery store contain foods that decrease our health rather than promote it? Seems a little odd, if you ask me! But we all know the answer to that. Money, money, money!

This little scenario I described above made me so thankful and honored to be working with Doug. Know the Cause is a group of like-minded people fighting to spread the truth about what the root cause of health issues is and what options we have as individuals to take control of our health. Doug has been educating us with such passion and conviction for so many years. It is contagious, and people are getting well because of it. Even if a person has only caught Know the Cause one time, there’s no denying they will take away that core message; we have choices, and YOUR health is YOUR choice. I love that!

I know it’s easy to get caught up in a pity-party about how toxic our food supply is, what’s going on in the medical industry, government, etc. I’m not saying it can’t get overwhelming. When I started my journey to recovery, I thought I was going to lose my mind. It seemed like ALL the foods I loved were no longer an option. I thought that if I was going to be healthy, I would have to survive off of grilled chicken and steamed broccoli. Boring! And when I started researching what to eat, the so-called studies and “experts” all had different opinions. Everything was going to kill you; it was all fear-based, just like mainstream nutrition and medicine. As I’ve said before, I don’t listen to that garbage anymore. If I really want to know the truth, I take fear out of the equation. Look at who funded the studies and use common sense. I stay basic and realistic. There are seasons in your life when you may need to be on a more regimented diet and other times when good choices most of the time will work just fine. In fact, not stressing about every little detail (in my opinion) promotes health more than doing everything perfect, because the state of your mind is imperative to abundant health.

I spent many, many years of trial and error on my body to find what worked for me. Once Doug explained why his program yielded results, I never looked back. I guess the fact that it is so simple and so basic is why it is easily overlooked, but the results are astounding! That’s what I love about Kaufmann 1; it goes back to the basics. It’s not complicated. And I know we could all use an extra dose of simplicity these days!

So, what are the choices? In my opinion, it’s simple.

CHOICE 1: Continue eating the Standard American Diet. This is easy. You purchase the foods that are pushed in your face from every direction on a daily basis – packaged, processed and will never spoil because it’s not real food, in the first place.


CHOICE 2: Eat real, whole, life giving foods like those found in the Kaufmann 1 and Kaufmann 2 way of eating. This does take extra effort in the beginning. Not because it’s hard, but because our society has veered so far away from the way we should eat that it feels completely foreign.

Believe me, I’m all about quick and easy. Kaufmann 1 can basically be just that! Once you get into the groove of eating the way God intended us to and you find a handful of recipes that you and your family like, making Kaufmann 1 the foundation of how you eat is a piece of cake. Kaufmann 1 cake, that is! Sure, it does take a daily decision and some extra effort, but I would much rather make the effort to enjoy delicious life-giving food and have an exceptional quality of life rather than taking the easy way now and having it catch up to you.

But don’t be discouraged if you are just now coming into this knowledge. No matter what your age, what your health or what your circumstances are, the body is an amazing machine that can repair itself and bounce back. So, the choice is yours! You’ve been given the tools. Now, you just have to put them to use. My heart is that you all will continue seeking knowledge from above and from Know the Cause for abundant health and an abundant life!

Getting started with the Kaufmann Diet

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Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

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