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Until It is Proven Otherwise, Think Fungus!

Michael Smith Blog - Know The Cause
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It is astounding to me how many things can go wrong with the human body. I can only imagine the daunting task it is for most doctors to memorize the countless diseases that humans can be subjected to, let alone each one of those disease’s symptoms, pathology and etiology. 

Most people go to the doctor with the intent of walking out with a prescription; most people are looking for immediate relief from a symptom. Whether the prescribed medication fixes the problem is irrelevant for most people; they are simply looking for relief. The issue most “natural” or “alternative” practitioners have with conventional medicine is that this approach is the equivalent of putting masking tape over your check engine light. The philosophy of alternative medicine teaches that symptoms are just that – they are symptoms of deeper problems caused by something. To address the symptoms is not to necessarily address the cause of said symptoms. Alternative medicine teaches that treating the cause is the only pathway to true wellness, and that human beings don’t routinely experience a deficiency in modern, chemical drugs.

Enter Know The Cause; Doug Kaufmann has written a volume of work implicating a very specific, albeit often overlooked, cause of disease in humans. There are mounds of research available in the world that back this claim up, and Doug’s books are extremely well referenced with these outside sources. In his books, Doug has linked fungi to a number of human disease, many of which are of unknown etiology, according to conventional health purveyors. These diseases include cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis.

In response to this discovery, Kaufmann has devised and eating plan with two ends in mind: to starve fungi and limit human exposure to their toxins, known as mycotoxins. This diet is available in all of the books, but this is what it looks like in a nutshell; lean, clean meats from the right sources are encouraged. These include grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured chicken and turkeys, wild caught ocean fish. Eggs, particularly organic from pastured chickens, are encouraged as well. Most vegetables are included. Fruits are limited to lemons, limes, avocados, grapefruit, berries and tomatoes. (The rule for fruit is fruit that isn’t overwhelming sweet or starchy, like melons or bananas.) Nuts and seeds are also encouraged, as well. Water, herbal teas and fresh vegetable juices are the only beverages allowed. This is the initial phase of Doug’s diet. Strictly prohibited under any and all circumstances are corn, wheat and grain, sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, and potatoes. Any sort of processed foods are discouraged, as well.

If you are experiencing symptoms, perhaps changing your diet could go a long way towards addressing the cause of said symptoms. If you try this diet in tandem with sensible exercise and anti-fungal supplements and you find your symptoms clear up, you may have just discovered the cause of what was ailing you. Obviously, always do this under your doctor’s supervision, but you may find yourself to cease needing the medicine he or she has been prescribing.

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The Kaufmann Diet

Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

The Science of Fungus

We encourage all visitors to this site to take some time and study these technical articles prior to initiating lifestyle changes, including dietary changes and to do so with their physician’s awareness and approval. The articles posted in this link are scientific and with few exceptions are taken from medical journals familiar to healthcare workers.

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Looking for help assembling antifungal Kaufmann Diet approved recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner? We have several videos, books and recipe write ups here on Know the Cause that will help your health journey. The recipes in this section are so good, you’ll feel like you’re indulging. No sacrifice needed! Enjoy.