Here we go again! Experts, unaware that antibiotics can be neurotoxic drugs, are placing the blame on our ever growing problem with neurological diseases with something outside of their control….it’s the flu’s fault, not ours!
But I believe that many autoimmune diseases, not just Parkinson’s Disease are caused by medicines. Not “adverse events” that are so common with prescriptive drugs, but rather a direct link between swallowing poison and getting sick from it! The experts should be asking, “what are we treating the flu with that makes so many people who take these pills end up with Parkinson’s Disease? The answer is quite clear to anyone who has studied antibiotics; these are byproducts of fungus and are poisonous-otherwise they’d never kill bacteria. But in larger doses (“SEVERE FLU,” as in requiring a lot of antibiotics) poisons can affect larger organisms-and we are larger organisms!
Over 30 years ago, a major medical journal stated this: A characteristic of encephalopathy (brains disease that can cause tremors) may arise after giving massive doses of penicillin to humans.” The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (1980) 6, 161-172