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Quinoa Hot Breakfast Cereal

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⅓ cup quinoa (uncooked, rinsed and drained)
⅔ cup water
¼ cup (or more) coconut milk
2 Tbsp flax meal (or ground flax seed)
1 tsp cinnamon (to taste)
1 Tbsp Stevia or Xylitol (to taste)
1 Tbsp almond butter

Optional nuts and fruits: almonds, walnuts, pecans, strawberries, blueberries and the green apple cut into small chunks.


Combine quinoa and water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Turn down to a low simmer and cook until quinoa is soft, about 10min. Make sure there is still a little liquid in the mixture. If all the liquid has cooked out, you can add more water.

Stir in coconut milk and heat through.

Remove from heat and stir in flax meal, cinnamon, sweetener and almond butter. (The flax will absorb the extra liquid and make a thick, oatmeal-like consistency.)

Serve in a bowl and garnish with your favorite Kaufmann 1 approved nuts and fruit.

1 Serving

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