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Pet Doctors vs. Human Doctors

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  Some of the finest work on fungal mycotoxins isn’t found in American medical journals.  Rather, it’s found in Veterinary journals.  Mycology is the study of fungus.  Human doctors receive very little if any education in this field and yet I have discovered that without this education, their ability to diagnose disease accurately is severely impaired. 

Is it any wonder that we don’t know the cause of any one of the 90, or so, autoimmune disorders? Certain fungi make byproducts called “mycotoxins” and it is these oft-poisonous chemicals that injure our tissues and mimic everything from diabetes to cancer. Yet our doctors remain unaware of the diseases, called “mycotoxicoses” that ensue after these fungal mycotoxins impregnate our tissues. As you know, when we inject one mycotoxin, called “aflatoxin” into laboratory animals, our scientists erroneously call the disease they get “cancer,” when in fact, since it was induced (caused) by a mycotoxin, it should be called a “mycotoxicosis.”

Fortunately, veterinarians are much more aware, because Veterinarians take one or more Mycology courses during their medical training, yet human doctors are not routinely trained in Mycology. To me, this is unconscionable.

Dr Lucy Waldron of New Zealand is a leading animal nutrition expert and stated that one of the biggest challenges when dealing with “mycotoxicosis” in farm animals is simply diagnosing it, but at least they do! She says this about mycotoxicosis:

1. “Hundreds of mycotoxins exist.”

2. Animals with mycotoxicosis present with multiple symptoms and are hard to diagnose, having major impact on welfare, performance, food safety and profits…for every 65 units of aflatoxin ingested by cows, one-three units are transferred to milk.”

3. Maize, grain and corn silage can contain fusarium toxins, which can cause liver and immunity damage and suppression (leading to poor disease recovery, robustness and mastitis), hay and silage can contain penicillium, which can affect respiration, while other mycotoxins can cause reduced nutrient absorption and impaired metabolism (affecting milk production and quality), and affect endocrine and exocrine fertility (return to service delayed), among other health issues.”

All doctors want accurate diagnoses in their patients.
I believe that to a large extent, in human medicine, the world we currently live in handsomely rewards medical mediocrity. Heart disease and cancer together kill one hundred thousand Americans MONTHLY! They are treated with pills, despite that fact that our lifestyle contributes to them, to a large degree. Human doctors are taught, and we are therefore told that “genes” we inherited cause them.

Veterinarians dig for the cause-usually within the animals diet, while MD’s dig for the prescription pad.


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