Nutrition Myths Exposed

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We are definitely in the age of nutrition information overload, which is leading many to just say forget it, because it seems like it’s all contradicting information! For example, we are told a particular food is a superfood. Then, the next minute, we see another article that says to avoid it at all costs, because it’s going to kill us! So what is the truth, and how can we decipher the facts from the myths?

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always fascinated with nutrition and health. I would read whatever I could get my hands on. I quickly became overwhelmed and confused, because nothing seemed consistent and everyone had a different opinion… and they all seemed to make some kind of sense. So I wondered what is REALLY the truth? Since I was sick and desperate for answers (and it didn’t seem anyone could give me definitive answers), I went on a quest to experiment on my own body and see what actually worked and what didn’t. I also need to mention I’ve always been one of those people who try a diet or supplement that EVERYONE raves about and nothing happens for me. So believe me; I understand the frustration!

After trying what seemed like just about every diet, supplement, theory, etc., out there, I thankfully came across Know the Cause. Doug was explaining that the root cause of illness and disease was fungus. If you get things back into proper balance, your health issues will be eliminated. The second I heard this, ALL of the theories, tips, diets, etc., I had ever tried started racing through my head. It all made sense. It was now so easy to see why some things kind of worked, other didn’t and why I was on a health rollercoaster.

So what’s the secret to breaking through all those myths? Put on your fungal-bifocals, and view everything from a fungal perspective, just as Doug has taught us to do. Once I started doing this, I was able to decrease my stress and realize most of the information out there was just hype; while it might have a little truth to it, it was exaggerated and wasn’t going to transform my health.

I was just like so many of you out there, bouncing from one theory to the next and never having any real change or freedom with my health concerns. While many theories continue to change and be updated, Doug has been singing the same tune for decades. Fungus is the root cause!

Below we are going to take a closer look into a few common myths from a fungal perspective, so you can breath easier and get the real truth once and for all!

Myth #1: Fat makes you fat

Yes it’s true fat does contain twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein, but fat does NOT make you fat and calories aren’t even the culprit.

There are a few factors to address here. The most obvious one is that the fat found in processed-packaged foods is entirely different from the unprocessed fat found in whole foods. The processed fat is what’s harmful. The oils used in these junk foods are so damaged and rancid that this is what makes it toxic to the body… and yes, I’m talking about “healthy” junk food too that you find at the health food stores, like cookies, crackers, chips, cereals, etc.

I honestly never worry about fat or calories, and this comment is coming from someone who’s dealt with weight issues since she was 7 years old. I never eat anything that says “low-fat” or “fat-free”. These words equal highly processed. I like to keep things as close to how God created it. My motto is always to choose food in its most natural form… the least processed the better. An example of this is whole milk yogurt with the cream on top. This is the least processed (and most delicious). The best choice would be raw whole milk, but unfortunately it’s hard to come by.

Having the cream on top means that it’s not homogenized, another process that makes our real food not so real anymore. The fat? Well, if you take an in-depth look into the studies (not the papers written about the studies, but the actual studies), you will see that fat and food-cholesterol (we’ll talk about this next) have been misrepresented in a big way! Ask yourself; who funds these studies? Who’s best interest are in mind – ours or the food companies? Just a thought.

Also, the fat in the yogurt makes the vitamins and minerals more absorbable. Our bodies look at fat-free yogurt (or any other fat-free altered food) and thinks, “What do I do with this? I only have part of what I need!” This causes you to crave more and more, never being satisfied… and feeling guilty because you ate the whole box of your fat-free snack. If you’re worried about calories, know that you will be much more satisfied and nourished with a smaller amount of the full-fat real thing.

So, the key is to get your fat from whole foods – nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, wild fish, grass-fed meats, full fat yogurt, butter, etc. Also, don’t get too caught up in the type of fat you are eating if it’s unprocessed and coming from whole foods. We need a balance of all of the fats – yes, even saturated fat from coconut and good quality red meat is healthy and necessary. In fact, our brain and heart require saturated fat to properly function.

What’s actually making us fat? The truth is that fungus is rampant in the average person’s body. As Doug illustrates, “What makes bread rise?” Yeast, which is a fungus. When we feed fungus within our body with sugar and yeast, fungus will proliferate and makes us puff up like the Pillsbury dough boy!

I actually did an experiment a few years ago. I continued to eat a Kaufmann 1 diet, but I added in gluten-free sandwich bread, which contained yeast. I also added in some sugar. I was shocked at the results; within 4 months, I felt miserable and had gained 15 pounds … and it looked more like 30 pounds, because I was so bloated. I had not changed anything else, and I was still exercising. I took out the yeast and sugar and within 4-6 weeks I de-puffed and felt amazing again!

Myth #2: Foods high in cholesterol give you high cholesterol

As with dietary fat, foods with high cholesterol levels are believed by many to raise cholesterol levels in the body. This simply is not true! Guess who started this rumor? The cereal industry. Shocking, I know! Back in the 1950’s, the cereal industry wanted people to eat more cereal. So they conducted a study on eggs and why people should not eat them. Their study, however, was not done on real eggs, but rather powdered eggs. Powdered eggs are toxic because they are highly processed and oxidized, which make them a poison to our blood and raises cholesterol.

So I reiterate these two points – eat real-whole foods, and trace studies back to the origin and see who is funding them and what the intent is.

Now we need to look at what fungus has to do with high cholesterol. Yes, there is a link, and it is fascinating! In Doug’s book, The Fungus Link 1, he explains, “Fungal toxins (mycotoxins) exposed to the blood stream caused an elevation in that person’s blood cholesterol as a protective measure: cholesterol binds fungal mycotoxins, thereby rendering them less harmful.” Therefore, rid your body of fungus, and it won’t produce excess cholesterol to protect itself. So, eat the whole egg (yolk and all) and enjoy it!

Myth #3: Avoid all carbs because fungus feeds off of them

In a broad statement, fungus does feed off of carbs, but this thinking has been taken to the extreme. First of all, we know that all food has a combo of carbs and protein, so they can’t be completely avoided and shouldn’t be. Our body needs carbohydrates to function. Carbohydrates are not the cause of health issues, fungus is. If you eat whole foods, they will contain antioxidants and other phytonutrients that have anti-fungal properties, so they actually fight fungus rather than feed it.

So yes, apples for example will have some sugar and carbs, but the antioxidants, malic acid and other co-factors are anti-fungal, making an apple the perfect addition to an anti-fungal diet.

It’s the same principle with the pseudo-grains (quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth). Yes they are higher in carbs, but they have anti-fungal properties. Since they are seeds (not grains), they are Kaufmann 1 friendly. These seeds do not have the same mycotoxin issues that grains have.

Some people are so legalistic about not consuming any carbs that they turn the Kaufmann 1 diet into something it is not – so limiting that it can’t be sustained for very long. They quickly get bored of the same few foods and they aren’t satisfied. I used to be this way because I just wanted to feel better. What I finally realized was the stress of trying to eat perfect was more harmful than the food I was trying to avoid! Kaufmann 1 has endless possibilities and lots of foods to choose from, so stick to the real foods and don’t get too caught up on carbs and being perfect… it’s a lifestyle.

I hope taking a deeper look into these 3 common myths helps clear up some confusion, as well as give you a tool for how to navigate through all the hype. And always remember, you need to find your own thumbprint when it comes to your diet. What works for one person, might not be the best option for another. Listen to your body and see what foods work best for you!


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The Kaufmann Diet

Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

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