“We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.” And that is exactly what this NY Times article was saying about Dr. Richard Ablin! It was Ablin who discovered the protein, but rather than promoting the subsequent test, he, too, was saddened about the way it had been misused once a biotech company took it over and turned it into a prostate cancer test. After what seemed like a year of trying to locate him to thank him for the guts that it took to take the path of integrity rather than the path of profit, I found him and he returned my call. He told me that he was writing a book called The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Causes A Public Health Disaster and that upon completion he would come to Dallas and allow me to interview him on TV. Those few days we spent together left me absolutely knowing that I had met another giant in my life. Since those interviews and subsequent TV airings, I have learned so much from my emails and telephone chats with Dr. Ablin. He has become a friend and someone I can (and often do) talk to about my fungus/cancer hypothesis. He is considered by many to be a giant in field cancer research and as such, has raised me up.
BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF RICHARD J. ABLIN, Ph.D. Dr. Ablin is the recipient of a D.Sc., honoris causa, from Lake Forest College, his undergraduate alma mater, and a Doctoris Honoris Causa from the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest. He was honored as recipient of the First Award for Scientific Excellence by The Haakon Ragde Foundation for Advanced Cancer Studies in recognition “for his invaluable contribution to humankind and exceptional scientific insight and valiant fight against cancer.” Dr. Ablin discovered prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in 1970, which led to the development of the PSA test, and was a nominee for the Lasker Award in 1997. A pioneer of cryosurgery and the concept of “cryoimmunotherapy” for the treatment of cancer, he has extensive experience in cancer research, particularly the development and progression of cancer. Dr. Ablin is a member of Sigma Xi (of which he is President, the University of Arizona Chapter), Phi Beta Kappa and numerous professional societies. Cited in several biographical references, including American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America and Who’s Who in the World, Dr. Ablin has been an invited speaker at numerous national and international meetings; has contributed numerous articles to professional journals and texts; is co-editor of the book series Cancer Metastasis -Biology and Treatment and serves on the editorial board of several journals, and the author of the recent book: The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster.
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