A 7 Point Weight Loss StrategySo, we know why a New Year’s resolution to lose weight is a good idea. We also know some of the bad habits that either contribute to putting weight on, or prevent us from losing unwanted weight. It is certainly a good idea to begin rectifying those bad habits as part of a weight loss strategy, but fixing bad habits is only one part of a comprehensive weight loss strategy. The question then becomes, what habits should you develop that will promote healthy weight loss now, and assist in maintaining a healthy weight over the long term? Any effective weight loss strategy should be exclusively about developing good habits in lieu of simply “going on a diet”. This antiquated mindset––the idea of going on a diet for a finite amount of time simply to lose weight––is likely the reason that the vast majority of people fail over the long term to lose unwanted weight, or to keep it off if they are successful in the short term. If your entire intention is to “eat right” or exercise until you reach your desired weight, then revert back to to eating however you want and living a sedentary life, it is unlikely you are every going to be successful at achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. This is not discouragement; it is reality. So, what are the types of habits that will promote healthy weight loss initially, and assist in maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of your life? 1. Eat The Right Types of Foods. The Kaufmann Diet provides a great blueprint of what a healthy diet should look like; it is an excellent weight loss tool and is a diet that is easily adaptable long term. The Kaufmann diet includes lots of fresh, organic vegetables; lean, organic, and minimally processed meats; eggs; real butter; yogurt; heavy cream; nuts; seeds; a limited variety of “less-sweet” fruits (i.e., grapefruit, berries, avocados, tomatoes, green apples, etc.); and healthy fats/oils. Most other foods are eliminated. Notably, you will eliminate sugar, corn, grains, carbohydrate-laden foods (i.e., potatoes, or starchy foods), most dairy, most processed foods, legumes (beans), and alcohol. (For a more comprehensive list of foods, Click Here). The Kaufmann Diet is an anti-fungal program, designed to eliminate pathogenic yeast from the body and eliminate foods contaminated with mold poisons from the diet. Interestingly, it happens to work well for weight loss, and a number of other health problems, all of which might have some sort of link to fungus and/or yeasts.
2. Kill Yeast And Replenish Healthy Gut Bacteria. When the healthy, naturally-occurring bacteria in the gut are damaged through poor diet, mold poisons (mycotoxins) in the diet, stress, smoking, alcohol, or antibiotics, yeasts can naturally proliferate. These yeasts in the gut can cause other health problems and possibly contribute to weight gain. When you are trying to lose weight, it may be beneficial to simultaneously rotate natural anti-fungal supplements, such as oregano oil, olive leaf extract, etc., and take a quality probiotic. Probiotics will help to re-culture the lining of the gut and prevent further proliferation of pathogenic yeasts. Many dieters have good results when including anti-fungal supplements and probiotics in their weight loss regimen. 3. Pay Attention To Calories. Many people find that when they simply switch over to eating the Kaufmann Diet, they will naturally lose weight. Often, though, a plateau can occur, and this might be a good time to evaluate how many calories you are consuming on a daily basis. Many nutritious foods, such as nuts, avocados, or olive oil are rich in calories per volume, and can account for a huge number of calories taken in on a regular basis. Being cognizant of how many calories you are consuming and adjusting that number if you hit a weight loss plateau can assist in maintaining steady weight loss until you reach your goal. 4. Be Intentional About When You Eat. Many studies are indicating that intermittent fasting comes with a variety of health benefits, including benefits for weight loss. Intermittent fasting takes advantage of some of our bodies’ natural metabolic quirks, and uses them to our advantage. The ultimate result of intermittent fasting is improved metabolism. There are a variety of ways to go about intermittent fasting. One involves fasting for 24 hours, once per week, and eating a normal caloric amount on the other days of the week. Another involves only eating in an 8 hour window out of each 24 hour day. Regardless of how you choose to go about it, intermittent fasting is a good strategy to incorporate into your weight loss regimen. 5. Exercise Regularly and Sensibly. The importance of exercise cannot be overstated, but for the purpose of weight loss, exercise serves two roles. Exercise burns calories, which is what you want when you are trying to burn fat. Secondly, exercise increases metabolism even during periods of rest, meaning you will burn more fat throughout the day. If you are new to exercising, it is beneficial to start slow, even with an activity as simple as walking. For some, working with a trainer would be very beneficial. Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. 6. Get Good Sleep. Sleep is an important part of maintaining health overall, but getting a good night’s sleep can reduce the stress hormones that may be contributing to weight gain. Make getting enough sleep a priority; we all have the same number of hours in the day. Commit to getting the amount of sleep you need to feel good and function properly. 7. Make Stress Reduction A Priority. Stress can have very real physical side effects, from stomach problems to anxiety attacks. Stress can make you eat things you otherwise would avoid, and elicit hormonal changes that encourage weight gain. Stress reduction may mean prioritizing your schedule, or engaging in stress reduction techniques such as quite time, prayer or meditation. Regardless, mitigating stress is important for weight loss, and overall health. In Part 4, we’ll talk about what to do when you mess up, splurge, or “cheat” on the good habits you’re trying to cultivate this year.
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