Happy Holidays

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My gift to all of you is the life changing and lifesaving knowledge this newsletter has imparted to you in 2012. I know that sounds trite and even a bit narcissistic, but I don’t mean for it to be. Knowledge is power. However, far too often in the healthcare world, we get information, but not knowledge. Why? I believe it is because the facts regarding the cause of illness and diseases are obstructed by the American model of heath care.


It is one that is working tremendously for the economy, but not for we, the people. To me, it is really this simple; if you own a $400,000 business, you want more than anything for it to become a $500,000 business, and you’ll do anything in your power to accomplish that. That same quest exists in medicine today.


Healthcare is currently a $3,000,000,000,000 ($3 trillion) annual (12 months) business. Like any business, it wants to grow. As a matter of fact, optimistic prognosticators are convinced that it will become a $4,300,000,000,000 business within the next 5 years. It seems that every advertisement today deals with convincing us to get into the medical field now and earn big money! Medical marketers apparently know us, our spending habits, the effect of marketing prescriptive drugs on TV, and the price we are willing to pay to relieve the fears associated with not knowing what is wrong with our health. We may be fearful, but I’ve always wondered, do our doctors even know what is wrong with our health? To the end that they prescribe endless chemicals to temporarily relieve symptoms, I think not. However, one simple clue to the cause of many of our ills would be the fact that many of our most commonly prescribed drugs have anti-fungal properties. Chemotherapy drugs kill fungus, as do statin drugs, gout drugs, SSRI (antidepressant) drugs, and others. If our doctors only knew that fungus was the cause, they would likely be able to fix our health problems with lifestyle changes. Of course, that does not sell doctor’s office visits, hospitalizations, tests or drugs. There rests a virtual goldmine in not knowing why we are always sick.


If this newsletter, Know This, has done nothing else during the past 12 months, it has proven to you that our physicians are genuinely good people. They are, however, largely unaware that fungus causes the very diseases and symptoms that I have referenced from their own scientific literature throughout 2012. More importantly, this same information has stopped many of you from constantly worrying. I’ll always recommend that you see a doctor when symptoms abound, but try to combine his knowledge and that which you acquire from outside his office. Some worry no longer, and that is joyous. Merry Christmas!


In case you didn’t receive my Christmas gift education in the preceding 11 months, let me summarize it for you so you won’t have to visit our newsletter archives. Here is a simple summary of the past 11 articles I wrote in this newsletter; all of these articles were sourced from scientific journals.


January 2012

– Statin drugs protect against Alzheimer’s Disease

– Mold exposure during infancy increases asthma risk

– Premature babies harbor more dangerous microbes

– Overexposure to antibiotics is seen behind many ills

– Cinnamon Oil controls Candida yeast

– Chemotherapy increases fungal proliferation

– Animal reproductive failure linked to “micro-fungi like organisms”

– Anti-fungal drug delays the need for chemotherapy in advanced prostate cancer


February 2012

– Fatty acids have anti-fungal properties

– EPA in fish oils seemed to target and kill leukemia cells

– UC San Diego researcher discovers that starch in the diet increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer


March 2012

– Several strong anti-fungal properties exist in coconut

– Alzheimer’s Disease case responds well to coconut oil.

– September 1999 Mayo Clinic researchers discover that 96% of chronic sinusitis is due to fungus

– March 2012 Journal of the American Medical Association published that antibiotics were ineffective for most sinus infections

– Good for them! It only took 13 years to figure out why antibiotics don’t work when fungus is the cause! 


April 2012

– Prior antibiotic use increases risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma

– 1945 – scientists discover that Penicillin is neurotoxic

– 80% of pharmaceutical antibiotics ending up in farm animals

– Humans eat many of those farm animals


May 2012

– Genetic mutations are the cause of cancer

– Figure out what causes genetic mutations and you’ll know the cause of cancer

– Fungal byproducts called mycotoxins cause genetic mutations


June 2012

– American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) website lists soybeans, tomatoes and whole grains as foods that fight cancer. Are grains and soybeans really OK? Their “coming soon” foods include melons and mushrooms.

– Grains are commonly contaminated with mycotoxins

– Our food supply, including tomatoes and soybeans, is being genetically modified, purportedly to accommodate feeding so many hungry people.

– Human genetic modifications cause cancer, so why eat food that is genetically modified?

– I questioned the value of dietary information that any allopathic cancer organization would dispense. With the goal of suppressing immunity of cancer patients with IV’s and drugs, do they truly understand that the proper diet during all of this should support immunity? Mind you, these are good people and diligent researchers who have no knowledge of fungus.


July 2012

– Cholesterol lowering statin drugs may also slow the growth of the prostate

– Statin drugs have anti-fungal properties

– It is no wonder they help the prostate

– Drugs? Talk to your doctor about the right diet and supplements that may do exactly the same thing safely. 


August 2012

– A common anti-fungal drug (Sporanox) stops cancer from metastasizing

– Medical Journal reports that the same drug relieves asthma

– The journal Cancer Cell reports that a common anti-fungal drug can slow tumors in mice and should be investigated as a potentially cheap and easy way to fight cancer in people.


September 2012

– Journal Watch Dermatology reports a surprising study that the anti-fungal drug Clotrimazole also has anti-cancer properties

– U of Miami, Department of Urology reports that the anti-fungal drug Nizoral (previously discovered to treat prostate cancer) inhibits Cortisol buildup in adrenal cancer patients. Is this why it works, or is it because it kills fungus?

– Journal Infection reports that “deep seeded fungal infections” elevate CRP levels in the blood. Why?

– C-Reactive Protein blood tests determine inflammation inside our bodies. Millions have elevated CRP results.  

– Yeast makes bread rise, why not our CRP tests also?

– Headline: Emerging Fungal Infection in Southwest Mimics Cancer. A fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract that mimics cancer and inflammatory bowel disease appears to be emerging in the Southwest United States and other desert regions, according to Mayo Clinic researchers in Arizona investigating the disease. The invasive fungus, Basidiobolus ranarum, is typically found in the soil, decaying organic matter and the gastrointestinal tracts of fish, reptiles, amphibians and bats. The disease is called Basidiobolomycosis. Before a conclusive diagnosis of the fungal infection was made, most patients were thought to have abdominal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulitis. 


October 2012

– Who wins when we have two Hippocratic Oaths?

– In 2005, researchers discovered that a newer drug is much more capable of preventing breast cancer recurrence than its predecessor, Tamoxifen. Arimidex, like Tamoxifen, has powerful anti-fungal properties.

– Austin, Texas U College of Natural Sciences discovers that the common anti-fungal drug Thiabendazole decreases tumor growth and shows promise as cancer therapy. 


November 2012

– Amid startling and devastating news that bottles of cortisone contaminated with fungus had been injected into 14,000 Americans for back pain relief, doctors admit they know too little about strategies to treat this fungal condition.

– In an interview, a physician states that the average physician knew very little about the anti-fungal drugs needed to treat these 14,000 patients, although they learned about them in medical school and have never used them since. That statement, I reported, should frighten us all.

– A NY man diagnosed with brain cancer and given a short time to live is examined by one more doctor. His diagnosis changes this mans life. The “cancer” was misdiagnosed and was actually brain fungus! He is being successfully treated with anti-fungal drugs and is expected to make a full recovery.

Clinical and Immunological Aspects of Fungous Diseases is a medical textbook used by John’s Hopkins Medical School students in 1957. The book is all about the ability of fungi to cause diseases. Four different times in this vintage book, the authors teach that mistakes are made when diagnosing cancer. Each time, a different fungus causes what looks exactly like cancer to the diagnosing physician. And this is just one book! Let the learning continue.


As we gather at the dinner table at this festive time of year, I believe it is incumbent on us to know that depending on the foods we choose to eat, sometimes lumps, bumps, upset stomachs or brain problems may begin, post-digestion. If not life threatening, you might try backing off of the alcohol and high grain, sugar, and starch food for the next two days, and watch how resilient the human body can be. Let that lesson be my gift to you in 2012 and catapult you into 2013 with knowledge that we just don’t seem to get from our doctors anymore. May your holidays be everything and more than you pray for!  


Merry Christmas to all!

Doug Kaufmann





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The Kaufmann Diet

Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

The Science of Fungus

We encourage all visitors to this site to take some time and study these technical articles prior to initiating lifestyle changes, including dietary changes and to do so with their physician’s awareness and approval. The articles posted in this link are scientific and with few exceptions are taken from medical journals familiar to healthcare workers.

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