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Fungus and Common Illnesses

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Before I list this month’s articles that once again confirm my suspicion that most everything being published today is somehow linked to fungus, I thought you’d be interested in the fact that the TV show, Know The Cause, is making headway. As regular readers of this newsletter, I know that you know my beliefs about fungus being “the cause”.


Twenty years ago, it was difficult to find any information on this subject. Today, however, it is common if you know where to look and discount the peripheral jabbering that often accompanies truthful articles identifying the fungus link. Given that Know The Cause is the only TV show dedicated to dissemination of fungal facts, I’ve just got to believe that the trade (doctors, researchers, nurses and other medical people) must be getting this information, and is learning! I know that so often you are to be thanked because of your persistence at your doctor’s offices! Good for you! Because we are all busy this time of year, I’m going to stimulate your brain with only a few headlines and research articles, knowing full well that the month of September will be filled with new articles that leave them questioning and us knowing! Now, relax and read these headlines! It keeps getting better and better for us…

1. HEADLINE: Clotrimazole For Cancer?

Clotrimazole is highly effective in treating superficial fungal infections. A surprising study finds that it also has anticancer properties.

WHERE: Journal Watch Dermatology

MY NOTES: Lotrisone is a cream or lotion that prevents fungal growth. Many “azole” drugs are anti-fungal drugs, including ketaconazole (Nizoral), fluconazole (Diflucan), miconazole (Monistat) and Itraconazole (Sporanox). Once again we see the word “surprising” written in connection when a simple anti-fungal drug has anti-cancer properties. In the future, as in the past, I’m certain we will see more and more “azole” drugs implicated as cancer treatment drugs. All of these lead to only one conclusion as to the cause of many cancers. As difficult as this has been for me to comprehend during the past 30 years, the question remains as to whether or not they will ever implicate fungus in the disease called cancer. Anti-fungal drugs inhibit metastasis (published) and successfully treat cancer. What more is needed? Be kind, and remember that many of you remember your mother taking you to a doctor’s office when you were young, and in he walked smoking a cigarette. Eventually, truth knocks on their forehead.

2. HEADLINE: Adrenal Cancer and Fungus

Adrenal tumors that increase hormone production are called “functioning tumors.” Management of increased cortisol production (Cushing’s syndrome) is often done with the use of aminoglutethimide or ketoconazole – used to inhibit Cortisol build up.

WHERE: Department of Urology, University of Miami

MY NOTES: It is important to note that when anti-fungal medications are involved in the treatment of cancer – just like in the case of toenail fungus – there exists a fungal component to that health problem. For reasons that I am unaware of, to pose such a bold statement in a medical setting might be considered controversial, at best. Does fungus cause cancer if anti-fungal drugs relieve it or effectively treat it? In the medical community, you will always witness a rather strange dance that takes place when anti-fungals fix a health problem. Diflucan, for example, was developed specifically to treat AIDS patients, leaving me to ask the inevitable question; is it Human Immuno Virus (HIV), or is it Human Immuno Fungus (HIF)? Rather than acknowledging that fungus plays a role in the serious diseases, researchers reveal first their surprise, then the dance begins; perhaps anti-fungal drugs are effective in inhibiting, blocking, or erasing some disease metabolic pathway, or somehow interfering with the Hedgehog cascade (I kid you not, Journal Cancer Cell, April 2010). In the case of adrenal tumors, we see that Nizoral works by inhibiting Cortisol build up. Of course, as an adrenal cancer patient, I could care less about inhibiting anything but the cancer, and if the anti-fungal drug Nizoral also just happens to inhibit my cancer, I’m thrilled!

3. HEADLINE: C-relative protein response induced by fungal infections.

WHERE: Journal Infection

MY NOTES: In the middle of August, I dealt with this early reference to the CRP test on a blog this way; Doctors commonly order a blood test called the “C-Reactive Protein” test today as an early indicator of heart disease and stroke risk, among other things. In reality, however, this test measures a protein made by the liver (C-Reactive Protein, or CRP) that indicates swelling! We’ve all seen the headlines by now; Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, etc… all have to do with inflammation. Inflammation to them is swelling to you and me. Immune system diseases like Lupus, bone infections, cancer of the lymph nodes and a host of other conditions can cause elevations of CRP. But so can fungus! In 1984, published in the Journal Infection, an article was written that proved that “deep seated fungal infections” also elevated CRP test results. If your doctor tells you that your elevated CRP test may indicate something very serious, he may be correct. But given the propensity of fungus to elevate the CRP test results in 76% of the tested patients in this review, please ask him if you can get a prescription for Diflucan 200mg for a week or two, and begin following our phase-one diet during that time. Then go back to his office for a CRP retest.

4. HEADLINE: Emerging Fungal Infection in South West U.S. Mimics Cancer

An emerging fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract that mimics cancer and inflammatory bowel disease appears to be emerging in the Southwest United States and other desert regions, according to Mayo Clinic researchers in Arizona investigating the disease. The invasive fungus, Basidiobolus ranarum, is typically found in the soil, decaying organic matter and the gastrointestinal tracts of fish, reptiles, amphibians and bats. The disease is called Basidiobolomycosis. Before a conclusive diagnosis of the fungal infection was made, most patients were thought to have abdominal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulitis.

MY NOTES: In medicine a “bolus” refers to a rounded mass of food or pharmaceutical preparation, so based on the technical name of the fungus (Basidiobolus), I’m certain that a rounded mass was felt when the doctor was examining the patient. They are not taught to consider “fungus” in their differential diagnosis of a mass in the stomach or intestines. Generally, these fungi are found upon autopsy, so my hat is off to this Mayo Clinic group, who likely saved a few lives – and many lives, if their peers actually read this article. This particular fungus, like the coccidio immitis fungus that causes Valley Fever, is native to the Southwest United States. A side note – the Mayo Clinic first discovered that 96% of all chronic sinus conditions were due to fungus, so someone over there watches Know The Cause! I could go on, but in the interest of brevity, I’ll finish up this article. I was given the title for this month’s newsletter of “Fungus and Common Illnesses.” Unfortunately, cancer and inflammation are two common illnesses today. They were rare one hundred years ago. Few got cancer and only pregnant woman suffered from inflammation back then. Today, it’s a whole new world out there! Until next month, think fungus!

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