The past several days, I’ve noticed a Yahoo Internet pitch supported by a company called “The Money Street.” I find their marketing strategy a bit depressing, but apparently, these promotions are working quite well. Here are two of the headlines.
The misspelling of the word “forecasting” gives me a clue that this is probably a young company that seems to care more about money than resolving cancer or cancer pain issues. Why not? I’ve got to give credit where I feel credit is due. These headlines would have spoken directly to me in 1979. At 29 years old, this might have been a prudent investment. You and I would never get old and get cancer because we were invincible because indeed new cancer medications and lab tests have skyrocketed. We’re brilliant at naming it but ignorant as to what “it” is. In 1979, cancer was a disease for old people.
Well, I’m now old and these headlines prove that we remain as woefully ignorant of disease in 2018 as we were in 1971. Even if you’re old like me, don’t let headlines like these upset you. These are written by and for a younger audience who are brilliant in their assessment of traditional medicine, circa 2018, in America. You see, you and I were sucked into believing that cancer would be gone by 1980 because our government was going to invest many billions of dollars researching it-and surely they would fix it.
This handbook is a quick read that introduces the concept of fungus and it’s link to cancer, confessions of a former chemotherapy sales representative, and the perspective of a physician who answers the question, “What would I do if I had cancer?”
Remember President Nixon’s “National Cancer Act of 1971?” America was simply going to wipe the #1 killer off the face of the earth then. How did that work for us? Younger generations know that the puffery surrounding curing cancer is just that. We’re not going to fix cancer in the foreseeable future and, unlike us in 1971, a very bright younger brilliant audience has read their history books and knows it. Like oncologists, younger disease marketers are merely capitalizing on our current ignorance of the cause of cancer.
Since I’m not going to recommend investing in their pain medication or lab test stocks, perhaps I can help by offering them this mind-blowing fact. In America, we have documented that 5 different fungal mycotoxins are possibly or definitely known to cause cancer. Young entrepreneurs don’t offer us ways to capitalize on others misfortunes. Use your ability to make headlines on educational and helpful… about this?