July 29th, 2016
I first met Leilani about 20 years ago. She had become very outspoken on women’s natural health choices and actually put her money where her mouth was by opening a clinic in Dallas, specifically aimed at helping women make those choices. We were all saddened when she lost her best friend and husband, David a few years ago.
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I first met Leilani about 20 years ago. She had become very outspoken on women’s natural health choices and actually put her money where her mouth was by opening a clinic in Dallas, specifically aimed at helping women make those choices. We were all saddened when she lost her best friend and husband, David a few years ago. I hadn’t heard from Leilani for awhile, but when she called a few weeks ago and introduced me to her new woman’s book SHE….I was so thrilled to hear her voice! She knows so much about natural menopause approaches and using thermograms vs. mammograms and so much more. Years ago, she spoke eloquently and authoritatively on television and every woman watching felt a connection with her. She is back! Please join me in welcoming Leilani back to Know The Cause. Listen and learn! Doug
Leilani Tejeda {flike} |
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