Ebola and Other Pathogens Part 3

Ebola and Other Pathogens

In the final installment of our three part series with Frank Jordan, Frank gives us a few other potentially harmful pathogens to keep our eye on, and gives us tips on how to boost our immune system.

Click Here for Part 1: What is Ebola?

Click Here for Part 2: Protecting Your Family From Ebola




As reported by the San Antonio Headlines Examiner on 10/22/14 in a report by Jack Dennis, “While analyzing hundreds of documents, articles and releases for this article, the Examiner discovered on Tuesday that the Center for Diseases Control (CDC) disclosed on a May 29, 2014 press release that, ‘nearly all cases of measles this year have been associated with international travel by unvaccinated people.’ As thousands if illegal immigrants from South and Central America crossed over the U.S.-Mexico border, the CDC recognized that this was, ‘the largest number of measles cases in the United States in the first five months of a year since 1994.’

By the end of May, CDC also declared that 97 percent of the measles cases ‘were associated with importations from at least 18 countries. More than one in seven cases has led to hospitalization.’ From Jan. 1 to Oct. 11, 2014, the CDC announced that 599 confirmed cases of measles were reported with 18 outbreaks in 22 states. In 2013 and 2012 there were only 187 and 55 cases reported.

Hospitals throughout America are reporting record breaking numbers as their emergency rooms are overwhelmed beyond capacity. Figures as of October 20, 2014 show the largest reported cases of these mystery illnesses included over 4,300 children at Children’s Hospital Colorado. In just one day 540 children visited the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and 340 cases were reported by a Mobile, Alabama children’s hospital. Medical labs testing confirm many of these cases are Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68). Media reports show at least eight known deaths from EV-D68 in the U.S. in 2014.”

The San Antonio Headline Examiner report continued, “Perhaps the White House doesn’t want Americans to know that out of over 70,000 illegal immigrant children who crossed into the U.S. almost 48,000 came from Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador. In these countries measles and the EV-D68 virus are quite common. If we include these children’s family and friends, not listed as ‘unaccompanied,’ over a quarter of a million people from Central and South America have entered the U.S. illegally this year [2014].

From 1970 to 2005 there were only 26 cases of EV-D68 ever reported in America. The number in 2014 is approaching 1,000 cases, with about 10% of those cases known to be causing a polio-type virus that has left children crippled.

Information from doctors, nurses, law enforcement and staff workers at immigration housing and transition facilities exposed enormous fears about the infectious diseases aliens were carrying as they process and care for them. Thousands of these illegal children have been placed in public schools [throughout the United States], seen in hospitals, and are receiving medical care, without meeting normal immunization requirements that American children are expected to have.

Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, is especially concerned about the illegal immigrants from Central American children bringing these viruses into the U.S. …’it only takes one infected child to infect the whole classroom,’ Dr. Orient said. The fact that the highest rates of TB in America are along the Mexican Border States is [also] hard to push as just coincidence… .”

( http://www.travelclinicnyc.org/cdc-admitted-disease-imported-as-states-data-reveals-illegal-immigrant-links/ ) and reported at www.nsc24.com/news.html in NSC News 10/23/14.

Note from Frank Jordan: Children with respiratory issues and wheezing are especial susceptible to EV-D68 and usually have more severe cases, often requiring hospitalization.


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