Come to Your Senses, America! We Need More Drugs!

  In a study published today in the open-access journal The Lancet Global Health, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and other researchers report a persistent deficiency in truly new therapeutics for neglected diseases, despite nominal progress and an acceleration in research and development (R&D) efforts. 


This continued ‘fatal imbalance’ in medical R&D points to the urgent need to develop and deliver groundbreaking new treatments for the world’s poorest and most neglected patients.

MY TAKE: If Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and 93 other autoimmune diseases qualify as “neglected diseases,” then we are absolutely at a roadblock in American medicine.

This article says despite progress, we just haven’t made enough new drugs!
This would be comical if it weren’t so serious, but at the very least we know where our researchers and doctors stand on this issue. They truly believe that we, their paying patients are powerless, unless they give us new drugs.
Of course, I know better. The right supplements taken between the right meals, after the right regular exercise has me taking zero drugs at age 64. I believe most anyone can achieve this, but it takes determination and dedication. It is not as easy as taking a handful of prescriptive medications each day, but I believe it is a choice that we each get to make. What is your choice?


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