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Audiobook Download Instructions

After you purchase a Digital Audiobook you will receive an order confirmation email, that contains a link to download your digital audiobook files.

audio file download

Click the (Download Files) Link to start the download.

1. Go to the folder where the Audiobook was downloaded

2. Double click the Zip file to extract the Audiobook files (Windows: right click Zip file icon then click extract).

If you could like to watch a short video I explain the entire process, Click Here

1. Launch iTunes.

2. Click File > Add File to Library.

3. Browse to your audiobook file’s location.
Note: Depending upon your version of Windows, your Audible files may reside in either of these locations:

• Windows Vista/7/8/10 – C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\Downloads

• Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Documents\Downloads

• Mac OsX Finder>Downloads

4.Highlight the audiobook(s) you wish to import.

5.Click Open.

NOTE: If you are using an Apple mobile device like the iPad or iPhone, you will need to download the audiobook to a PC or Mac with iTunes installed, then unzip the downloaded file, Then import the extracted MP3 Audiobook files to your iTunes Library and sync the desired Apple Device. Instructions for syncing iTunes with your apple device can be found here.