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The Role Of A Multi-Vitamin

The role of Multivitamins
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Good nutrition is well-known to play a role in good health; what you eat on a daily basis is simply extremely important for the health that you experience––it might be the single most important factor, followed closely by exercise.

Sadly, most people do not eat a nutritious diet; instead, most people rely on ultra-processed foods which are normally void of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and favor things like too much sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and simple carbohydrates. As a result, it is no wonder that there are so many people in poor health. 

The remedy, of course is dietary change and focusing on whole, natural foods which come from the earth. These are the kinds of foods which The Kaufmann Diet encourages; things like lean meats, eggs, vegetables, some fruits, nuts and limited dairy. These are the foods where you will find an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and the nutrition you need to look and feel your best.

Sometimes, however, it is good to have a backup plan, and that is where the importance of good vitamin supplementation can play an important role in your health regimen. Having a good multi-vitamin supplement is good for a few reasons:

It Ensures You Get The Nutrition You Need

If for whatever reason, even if you think you are doing everything correctly, a multi-vitamin is a good “insurance policy” that ensures you are getting all the nutrition you need on a regular basis. 

Sometimes, The RDA Isn’t Good Enough

The RDA levels for vitamins were designed to prevent vitamin deficiency-related disease. They were not necessarily designed with the idea of supporting excellent health and vitality. Vitamin supplements can help provide the nutritional support beyond what the RDA recommends in cases where higher levels of certain vitamins could be beneficial. 

Sometimes, You Can’t Always Eat Healthy

Sometimes, you simply do not have the quality of food available that you would prefer, whether you are traveling or outside of your normal routine, or under any other circumstances that would limit your ability to eat healthy. Vitamin supplements can help fill in the nutritional gaps that lapses in dietary habits can leave. 

Some Studies Show Produce is Less Nutritious 

Because of soil depletion, some studies show that fruits and vegetables are not as packed with vitamins and minerals as they were even 50 years ago. This means, you may be doing everything right––eating lots of vegetables and fruits––but not getting all the nutrition that you think you are. 

What Vitamin Supplements Do Not Do

Vitamin supplements do not take the place of a healthy diet. You will never supplement your way out of eating a healthy diet, and even if there are benefits associated with taking vitamin supplements, these will never work on their own without the aid of eating right. It is still important to get the bulk of your nutrition from healthy foods. 

That said, a high quality multi-vitamin can be a powerful addition to your regimen.  


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