7 Signs You Have Fungal Overgrowth

Signs of a Fungal Overgrowth

Fungal overgrowth can be hard to diagnose. Here are some clues:

Often times, people find Know The Cause because they have suffered from symptoms––often for many years––that have been difficult to diagnose and subsequently treat. After reading some of the literature, many often wonder if fungus or yeast could lay at the root of their problem. 

Fungus and yeast infections are often not implicated by doctors as causing anything more than superficial problems except for in the most immunocompromised patients. Yet, there is much evidence that fungal infections are more common and can cause far more (sometimes serious) symptoms than many medical professionals assume. 

Part of the problem lies in the fact that fungal infections can be difficult to diagnose. Fortunately, there are some clues that fungus or yeast might be at the root of many of your health problems. 

Do you crave sugar and carbohydrates?

Fungi and yeasts’ favorite food is sugar, or sugar by way of simple carbohydrates. They crave this sort of food, and if they are parasitizing your body, you likely will too. Everyone gets a sweet tooth from time to time, but if you feel like you are constantly cravings sweets, this might be a warning sign. 

Do you have digestive problems?

Often, fungal infections begin in the gut when naturally-occurring yeasts grow out of control and begin causing symptoms. Many practitioners believe that if you have a fungal problem anywhere on or in the body, you likely have yeast overgrowing in the gut, a problem called dysbiosis. From there, yeasts can penetrate through the intestines, causing what is called “leaky gut”, making that localized problem more systemic. Often, people with a fungal issue have chronic digestive problems, like gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, GERD or any other number of digestive symptoms. 

Do you suffer from skin and nail problems like rashes, eczema or nail fungus?

Problems on the skin may be a sign of deeper problems within. Often, people with yeast overgrowth have skin problems that can be somewhat difficult to treat or diagnose. Repeated skin fungal infections or nail fungal infections might particularly be a sign that you have an internal yeast problem. 

Do you suffer from chronic malaise or feel worn out all the time?

This is a common complaint for people who go on to discover that yeast was causing their symptoms. Chronic fatigue, lack of energy or generally feeling crummy can often be a sign that something deeper is at work. Often, these people’s sleep will be poor despite being very tired, and rarely will they wake of refreshed or feeling energized, and energy levels will be low throughout the day. 

Do you have brain fog, difficulty concentrating or feel “spaced” out?

Brain and mental symptoms are not uncommon in people with fungal problems. Many describe the feeling of “brain fog” or an inability to concentrate. This lack of mental clarity often accompanies a feeling of malaise or lack of energy and motivation. 

Have you repeatedly tried to lose weight and failed?

Often, The Kaufmann Diet seems to work wonders for those who have tried repeatedly to lose weight and have failed. While it a nutritious diet that is excellent for weight loss, part of its ability to help people lies in the fact that it addresses the underlying issue that perhaps prevents so many from losing weight––an underlying yeast problem. Once the yeast issue gets addressed, many people seem to have an easier time losing weight. 

Do you suffer from allergies or other sensitivities?

Allergies are common, but if you are a chronic sufferer or suffer from other sensitivities (i.e., sensitivity to fragrances or chemical smells), this may be a sign that you are suffering from an underlying fungal infection. 

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