5 Ways to Get Your Kids to EAT MORE VEGGIES

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Eat more veggies! Heard that before? Here are a few ways to help kids eat more veggies.

Be a good example.

Yes, it’s as simple as that! Toddlers/kids LOVE to imitate you. They love to copycat, and they aspire to be just like YOU. (Soak it up, because it doesn’t last forever)! And hey, now you have someone to hold you accountable to eating healthier, yourself.

Always give options. 

Pick two or three healthy veggies, and give your child the option to choose the one he/she wants. Do this once the food is cooked and ready, otherwise they will probably change their mind by the time you have cooked and brought it to the table. Kids love to show independence, and this gives them that opportunity. (Although ultimately, it’s a win win for you in the end.)

Involve them at the store in the produce section and in the kitchen.

When you’re at the grocery store, give them options of healthy veggies, then let them pick out the good looking veggies and put them in the bag.

Involve them as much as you can in the kitchen when cooking the veggies. Let them help you wash. Then you cut the veggies, and let them help you throw them in the pan. Let them help by adding water, healthy salt and butter or by checking to see if the veggies are ready. Once they are ready, again, GIVE OPTIONS. When they choose, immediately feed them before they change their fickle little mind. 😉

Make a smoothie.
Once again, let them help make the smoothie. My boy LOVES to help with smoothies, and he loves the loud noise of the blender! It’s better not to sneak those healthy veggies in if you don’t have to; we are trying to teach them to love veggies. Let them know what’s in it, so they can realize how yummy it is.

Kale is one of our favorite veggies to throw in a smoothie. And hey, why not throw in some coconut oil! Helps with flavor and it’s a super food for kids (and adults).

Carrot juice is so sweet and delicious, how could they turn that down? If you need to, add a green apple to add more flavor. And I’ll say it one more time, INVOLVE them in the making. Not only are they learning to love the veggies since they are making the food/juice, they are also picking up more vocabulary, fine motor skills, and so much more. It’s another beautiful way to bond with your babies.

Happy and healthy eating to you and your little one! Good Luck!

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