3 Tips to Avoid Holiday Allergies & Stay Healthy

Jeffery Zavik
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Ever notice how symptoms are often worse or more frequent around the holidays – stuffy or runny noses, indigestion, headaches and fatigue? It may be hidden allergies. Not just “fungus among us”, there are foods and other troublemakers floating in the environment causing low-grade inflammatory reactions. These reactions are not always thought of as allergies, yet the symptoms sure feel like you’re allergic to something!

Tip #1 Be careful with the humidifier.

Get a gauge and keep the humidity no higher than 48 to 50 percent. Too much humidity encourages the growth of mold, which triggers allergic reactions.

Tip #2  Consider an artificial tree and avoid scented candles and oils.

Fresh cut trees can worsen respiratory conditions, like asthma and allergies. These trees contain dust and other pollutants that can aggravate nasal passages. The water in the tree holder is stagnant and is likely to grow mold. The fragrances of candles and oils can also irritate the sinuses and respiratory system, making it harder for people with asthma and allergies to breathe.

Tip #3  Avoid foods that are inflammatory to your particular system.

As readers of this newsletter, you know that fungi make poisonous substances called mycotoxins and that these mycotoxins that cause human disease.   While there’s merit in conventionally testing and treating ragweed allergies – particularly with the new, innovative sublingual methods, it’s equally important to maintain a diet that strengthens your immune system. By keeping your immune system strong, these mycotoxins (which are immunosuppressant) won’t adversely affect you.  

Download a free copy of Toxic Food Syndrome www.FreeInternetBookOffer.com and learn more about the foods that may be causing inflammatory responses.

Imagine a holiday season filled with energy and vibrant good health. What a great way to start 2013! And, long after this holiday season has passed, when you reflect back on how your 2012 holidays were healthier and more enjoyable than previous ones, you’ll remember this newsletter. It all starts here as you truly learn to Know the Cause.


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