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Mold (fungi) produce a large number of allergens and toxins (mycotoxins) which can trigger or promote the development of rhinitis (nasal congestion) and asthma/ wheezing.

Maritta Jaakola et al. Association of indoor dampness and molds with rhinitis risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2013; In Press  AND

Reginald Quansah et al. Residential dampness and molds and the risk of developing asthma: A systemic review of meta-analysis. PLOS ONE November 2012;7(11):e47526.

Many published studies have documented that exposure to mold and their mycotoxins and/or indoor damp conditions (which can promote growth of mold, bacteria and dust mites) are associated with significantly higher levels of rhinitis and asthma.
A meta-analysis of 31 published studies reported that significantly higher risk of rhinitis was associated with mold odor (Risk 118% increased, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.76-2.71), visible mold (Risk 82% increased, 95% CI 1.56-2.12), and home water damage (Risk 108% increased, 95% CI 1.56-2.76).
A meta-analysis of 16 published studies reported that significantly higher risk of asthma was associated with mold odor (Risk 73% increased, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.19-2.50), visible mold (Risk 29% increased, 95% CI 1.04-1.60), and home water damage (Risk 12% increased, 12% CI 0.98-1.27).
Avoiding or fixed mold and water conditions in homes, schools. offices and workplaces is crucial to avoid rhinitis, asthma and other allergic conditions. Several published studies have reported that fixing indoor mold or water conditions were associated with lower rates of rhinitis and asthma.


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