Intrusion and Data Mining, or Great Invention?

Data Mining
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Says an article posted in May 2021 on “The Smart Toilet technology will allow us to gather the long-term information needed to make a more accurate and timely diagnosis of chronic gastrointestinal problems.”

Yes, you read that correctly! Duke University researchers have found a way to use out toilets to tattle on us! The device “can be fitted within the pipes of an existing toilet and snaps a picture of a person’s poop when they flush. An algorithm then determines whether the movement is loose, normal or constipated, and whether it contains any blood. Of course, doctors will get the information and I foresee prescriptions arriving in the mail for millions of people who enable this technology in their homes.

Really? Can you imagine how excited drug companies are about this Duke University invention? Can you also imagine how inaccurate this poop-photography is and how many misdiagnoses will be made under the guise of “we really care about your colon?” I see this as nothing more than a Duke University effort to bolster pharmaceutical sales, but I may be wrong! What is your take on it, and would you consider having this poop tester installed in your bathroom? As for me? I want 2019 back!



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